This is from some wood I rescued from a burn pile. I had split the log and turned a regular bowl with the other side. When this challenge came along, I was looking at what I had ready to turn and this is what jumped on and off the lathe.
Eight inches on the sides and about five inches tall. Finished with several coats of Danish oil and a couple top coats of lacquer.
Really nice piece Robert. Very unique design and lovely accents, that is a real keeper, er oops I guess you won't, but someone will for sure.
Just messing with wood
Nice job, Robert. Are the bottom and top turned on 2 different axies or am I picking up on some photographic illusion? Really doesn't matter I don't guess. The wood and the work are both very nice. You done good! 8)
It looks funny to me too but they are on the same axis. The bottom may be a bit thick. I had some issued with the vacuum chuck that I didn't figure out until about a week after I finished this one.
Live long, love lots, and turn fast.