My first lidded bowl. Microwaved the apple after it was rough turned. Unfortunately as you can see it still moved a bit. I should have popped it in the micro for a few more cycles. This has a Mahagony finial. Boy do I have alot of improving to do on lidded bowls.
There ain't nothing wrong with this box that I can see. The wood is really nice looking, you did a great job with the finial and I realy really like the shape
Very nice Neg. My only comment would be next time, leave a bit more material so you can make the bead at the base of the lid proud of the join so it hides it instead of accetuates it. The form and detailing look terrific.
Looks pretty nice to me. I think the suggestion that Chris gave is the only thing I could come up with. Apple is so bad about movement, I'm not sure I would have even attempted such a piece. I'm loving the subtle color variations that I'm seeing in the pic. Nice job. 8)