I decided to do things a little different this time, instead of my usual plain-grain bowls. The red is a little darker, more of a barn-red, than what the picture shows. I'm no camera champion.
No doubt that's different. I like it but I would have loved to see it without the color, just showing the wood. It made for a very interesting rim on the bowl.
I wasn't feeling the cream color of the wood with the deep browns and blacks from the burning.
I would have kept it that way if it was a nice piece of box elder, but this bowl had no red stain. In other words... boring.
I definitely like the bottom treatment, but the blue inside isn't doing it for me. Now, if you could do to the inside what you did to the bottom and maybe reverse the colors for contrast, that would be something. Cool experiment, could be a good series of pieces.
I was planning on doing that, (doing the exterior pattern for the interior), but the piece is only an 1/8 inch thick. I realized that after I burned it once, it was really fragile, burning again on the other side would have killed it. The blue came from my color index book. If I had a better camera angle, it would compliment the grey and red, but I'm not too happy with it either. I see it as having potential, but definantly needing some work.