Square turning seems to be all the rage. I have to be honest though I cheated. By the way only one piece, the larger one of the two is the trade piece for the challenge. I had a small piece of the stock left over so I made my wife the small one.
The technique I used I saw in a WOOD magazine last month. They author of the article took a suare piece of wood and glued scrap blocks around the outside turned it as if were a round piece and then using a bandsaw cut off the scrap pieces leaving a square bowl. I thought that was cool but I didn't like the idea of using the bandsaw. What I did was glue up enough scrap pieces to make a block just under 4" square and about 6-7 inches long. I took four 4" wide and 6" long pieces of pine board and glued then to the outside of the block with newspaper in between the block and the board turned it round until the corners of the original block were just barely showing and then hollowed it after making a small part at the 4" mark down the length of the piece so I knew how deep to hollow. After I made the walls as thin as I wanted, I just took a hammer and gently knocked off the pine pieces and sanded a lot by hand. Finish is simply three coats of minwax polycrylic. I have to thank TOM aka Smokey for the use of his joiner. I really appreciate it Tom. Keith, I hope you like it.
Thank you Pete. What you can't really see is there is some mesquite in the center. I guess I should have taken a pic look down from the top. Actually, you can see the mesquite, it is the more orangier of the two browns
Hey Philip, the piece looks great. I agree with Pete, it is funny that many of us dived into square edge turnings. You also have taken it a step further though by adding lamination to you challenge. By the way, the glue up method is not cheating, it's considered the safe way to do these. I bet you don't have a tender thumb!
Nice work Phil. Not at all what I imagined from your description. What you've done here is pretty cool. I'm guessing that you're going to do more of it, right?
Very nice Phil. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person. Don't worry about glueing on the scrap pieces, Vic Wood from Austriala does his square turning that way.
I like how that turned out (pun intended). That's an interesting technique too. I might try that myself and turn some wooden flowers to stick in some of the many vases I have sitting around the house empty.