6 x 6 1/2 from a block about 7 x 8 just over 30 pounds my biggest block yet. approx 1/4" thick throughout. after parting off I used the left over to make a lid with bloodwood for the knob. wax buffed.
some nice piece there, Larry. Looks like the light really shines through well. I'm betting that 2-4 voltive candles placed in the bottom with the lights turned down would be a great start to a night of adventure. Super nice. 8-)
Larry you are getting very good at this stuff. This piece is beautiful. How do you get the stone ready for the lathe. It must be very out of balance and shape. Do you carve it to some semblance of a cylinder first? Great work. Gary.
Thanks guys, I put the block on the lathe this time glued to a block of wood, I also have a 1" pin chuck. the piece started off as a block, wears you out till you get a cylinder. You can cut the piece with a saw, but you WILL hit quartz and toast the saw.