Sorry for the delay Mike. This has been a memorable challenge :-( I've had my share of problems with your pen. I had never tried this type of kit. I didn't do a very good job of I also was nervous using one of the maple blanks you sent, so I used a larger piece of maple burl that my Dad had given me. I really should turn it again, but didn't have time. There is a small blow out that I didn't notice until after I had pressed it together :-(. I hope you enjoy this pen from a rank amateur!
It looks good Ken. I can't wait until it arrives. I like the maple burl. It's one of my favorite woods.
What did you finish it with?
If it makes you feel any better, your pen provided its fair share of challenges too. If it would have been the first pen I had ever turned, it may have been the last. I'll expound when you post the pic.
Mike, It's finished with CA glue. I tried a new trick with the CA. I put on each layer and then because I was short on time I put some accelerant on a paper towel and held it near the pen. The fumes didn't cloud or distort the CA glue but did speed up the drying process significantly. I sanded through 12000 micromesh.
The pen arrived in the mail yesterday Ken and went to work with me today. I really like it. The CA doesn't have a real heavy buildup so it still has a wood feel. I like that. Did you use boiled linseed oil with the finish?