Can you give us more information? Size, woods, finish, special techniques, etc.? Looks like you've used nice smooth lines for this one. Your design seems to be a bit better on this one than some of the previous ones. You are coming along nicely. What is the parted line? Is it functional or decorative? From what I can see the tool work and sanding are very good. Finish looks smooth and consistent. Very good job, Bill. Roo will be proud to have this one in his collection.
I'm interested to hear if the part is decorative or functional too. I like the drilled and filled holes Bill. The color of the wood is great, what is it?
Thanks all, I dont know what the wood is ( as usual) the Part is decoarative.
What I did with this was to start modifying the blank. I first turned it into a circle btween centres then demounted and marked off 6 equidistant marks around the perimeter and drilled half inch holes straight down and one in the centre and in those holes I inserted some ramin ( I think) that I turned to fit.
I then remounted the whole shebang and turned the bowl/platter. The original idea of the part was to try and show the ramin inside but it didnt work as I wanted ( the ramin kept smearing) so I burnt the inside instead.
I am curious Bill is this all one piece? I looked at the side view and it almost looks like a box with a bowl lid. Nice job by the way, you done yourself real good no this one.
Good-looking bowl. Whatever the wood is, the color and grain are beautiful. I first thought that the upper bowl part could be turned and the lower part stayed still. Well done!