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>> Question Of The Week >> What's your question?

Message started by Ed Weber on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 1:44pm

Title: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 1:44pm
This question was originally asked almost a year ago so I thought it was about time to give it another chance for some more responses.
We would like you to come up with some questions you would like to see us ask.
How do you do ____?
I wish they would ask ____?
What's your favorite ____?

Ask anything you want as long as it's turning related.

What Questions would you like us to ask?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by George Stratton on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 4:09pm
How many on the forum that turn as a hobby, rather then sell, get along with a Reeves type drive lathe?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 4:20pm
My personal experience with a reeves drive is this.
While I prefer a VFD, there is nothing wrong with a properly working reeves drive.
The main short falls of the drive are, 1. no reverse and 2. minimum speed too high.
I recommend getting a high quality belt and they work fine.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Rick Caron on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 4:59pm
Mostly just a hobbie. I do sell a few.  Here in poor SC  people won't pay much for a wooden bowl.  $20-$25

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 5:18pm

Rick Caron wrote on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 4:59pm:
Mostly just a hobbie. I do sell a few.  Here in poor SC  people won't pay much for a wooden bowl.  $20-$25

Wow!! My smallest piece, a 4" dia red gum bowl/cup/thing sold for $75.00

My best so far is an 11" ambrosia maple bowl for $225.
Most are going in the $140 range.

Seems you need to move to Maine!!

I know... off topic.

I'll think of a question sooner or later. [smiley=023.gif]

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Daniel Hayes on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 8:05pm
As to the Reeves drive lathes, I bought the HF lathe as a first lathe in April of 2017. It did everything I asked of it until a few weeks ago when I tried a larger log piece that was out of balance.  They are just too fast even at the slowest speed.  If you are only going to do precut blanks that are relatively balanced you should be fine.  I want to branch out so my Laguna is arriving later this week.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Jennifer Hasan on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 10:30pm
If you were sandpaper, what grit would you be and why?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Steve nix on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 10:57pm
I feel your pain Rick. Same here in Louisiana
... I’ve love turning all types of things and have enough items to start my own gallery, but here in real America I just keep turning and happy doing it.  Bring on the wood

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Glenn Roberts on Jul 24th, 2018 at 2:34am
[highlight]If you were sandpaper, what grit would you be and why?[/highlight
Depends on what I was sanding! ;D

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Jul 24th, 2018 at 1:35pm
I'm thinking I'd be 600 grit.

I wouldn't want to rub anyone the wrong way!! :o

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Jul 26th, 2018 at 1:48pm
So, does anyone have a question they would like asked as QOTW?
Favorite tool?
Favorite wood?
Holding method?
Project advise or insight?
What type of gouge would you be? (thanks Jennifer)

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Alistair Hancox on Jul 26th, 2018 at 6:37pm
I have a question I've wanted to ask for a while. Why do so many turners leave the spigot or recess on the bottom of their completed bowls as the footing?

-Is it a lack of equipment?
-Do people not want to take the time to remount and turn a "3rd" surface?
-Does Joe-public not notice a detail like this therefore is it unimportant?
-Other than mounting in cole jaws/vacuum chuck, etc., and turning the spigot or recess away completely, are there other methods people use to disguise a spigot or recess?

I have to say, it does bother me a bit when I go to craft fairs and see a stall full of nice bowls all with the recess left in the base. I personally feel that it leaves a piece feeling almost "unfinished".

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Jul 26th, 2018 at 7:26pm
Great question Alistair, thanks

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Jul 26th, 2018 at 7:51pm
I just saw one posted to the gallery that had an enormous "spigot" on the bottom of a nicely curved bowl and for me personally, it ruined the whole thing. It looked unfinished.

I always remove the "Spigot" or "tenon" as I might call it. If I turn a recess for the jaws to insert, then I go back and reshape the bottom of the bowl so it gently merges with the recess.

I have a major dislike of a foot or a pedestal on a bowl that is so visible.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Leo De Bruin on Sep 21st, 2018 at 4:12am
I try to keep track where in this world my turned pieces have gone.   I have pieces in Tasmania, Australia, Germany, Holland, England, Japan, Sweden, eastern Canada and southern US.


What is the farthest from your shop your pieces have made it to? 

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Sep 21st, 2018 at 1:29pm
Thanks Leo, great question  smiley=023.gif

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Dick Bernard on Sep 22nd, 2018 at 10:20am

I've been fortunate to be able to participate in a couple of "wood swaps". They have provided me with with some unique wood from different parts of the country.

My question is, could get a wood swapping event started?

Thank you

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Sep 22nd, 2018 at 2:28pm

Dick Bernard wrote on Sep 22nd, 2018 at 10:20am:
My question is, could get a wood swapping event started?

Thank you

Dick, that's simply a matter of interest. We can start a thread and ask, if their are enough members that want to swap then we can move forward.
Items that need to be factored in are
1. How much wood (what size box)
2. Shipping cost (what size box)
3. Shipping cost for those not in the contiguous 48 states
4. Compliance of quarantine zones for EAB and other wood diseases
This is off the top of my head, I'll try to put something together and see if it gets enough interest.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Dick Bernard on Sep 23rd, 2018 at 10:25am

I realize it takes time and effort to this research, so, for your time and effort I offer you a sincere "thank you".


Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ken Jones on Jan 31st, 2020 at 9:33pm
What is a reliable commercial source of a vacuum chuck system? I have had an order in at one vendor since October or November and still haven’t received the product. Anyone I should avoid?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Feb 1st, 2020 at 12:09am
Welcome to the forum

  (You need to Login or Register

I don't know what lathe you have but I bought my Vac system from them many years ago. Simple one stop shopping, everything from one supplier.
Everything still works perfectly

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Arlin Eastman on Feb 1st, 2020 at 2:42pm
Who invented turning?   ;D ;D

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Arlin Eastman on Feb 1st, 2020 at 2:45pm

Ed Weber wrote on Feb 1st, 2020 at 12:09am:
Welcome to the forum

  (You need to Login or Register

I don't know what lathe you have but I bought my Vac system from them many years ago. Simple one stop shopping, everything from one supplier.
Everything still works perfectly

He is part of our turning club and nice guy to but no discounts.  ;D

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Feb 1st, 2020 at 4:55pm

Arlin Eastman wrote on Feb 1st, 2020 at 2:42pm:
Who invented turning?   Grin

That's the kind of thing I would expect from Ralph  ;D

The most common answer is the Egyptians at about 1300 BC

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Arlin Eastman on Feb 2nd, 2020 at 12:44am
Great men think alike.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Jenny Trice on Feb 13th, 2020 at 12:49am
Question:  If money were no issue and you could buy one piece from any other turner in the world, what would it be and who would have turned it?

Another question:  Who has been the most influencial person to you as a turner?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Feb 13th, 2020 at 2:16pm
David Ellsworth for both questions.

...any piece from him.  I have 2 of Wendy's bead pieces and it would be nice to have something from him as well. [smiley=023.gif]

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ken Appelt on Mar 11th, 2020 at 1:05am
My question is,,,,Why turn bowls??  I have been turning for over 50 years, and don’t remember ever turning a bowl(or pens either)..
I turn balls, bats, canes, etc, never had a desire to turn bowls...the local thrift store has a table, that always has over 20 handturned bowls,,, priced as low as a $1 each,,, they seldom sell.....
And I turn balls and can’t keep up with the demand,.

Sooo ....why bowls???

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Mar 11th, 2020 at 3:42pm
Well.. when I can turn a bowl and sell it for $225..that seems to be a good reason.

Plus, I find turning pens a waste of time... now that is only MY opinion, mind you.

I'd be willing to bet that those bowls on the bargain table are of such low quality that they were destined to that table.

I might get into turning balls sometime in the future as it seems like a neat thing to do. [smiley=023.gif]

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Mar 12th, 2020 at 4:13pm
My question is:

What are you planning on doing or not doing related to the coronavirus?

I plan to spray everyone who comes into my store with Lysol. :o

Possibly just have a belt with cans of Lysol and spray anyone who gets within 6' of me. smiley=023.gif

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Mar 12th, 2020 at 4:24pm
Not a problem for me, I don't play well with others anyway  ::)

Seriously, please take all necessary precautions everyone

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Mar 14th, 2020 at 4:25pm

Ken Appelt wrote on Mar 11th, 2020 at 1:05am:
My question is,,,,Why turn bowls??

The short answer is that they can be attractive and/or useful.

The long answer is that it's how the mainstream turning is geared.
First you get a small lathe to turn pens, until all your friends and family start saying "I have a pen thank you".
Then it's time to move up to a mid-sized lathe and work on boxes or potpourri containers, and various handle kits, basically the entire PSI catalog.
Then your supposed to move up to a full sized lathe and turn bowls.
Anything else is considered a 'specialty" and not really looked upon as proper turning. Oh, you turn that, that's nice  ::)

Apparently you didn't get the memo that was sent out, now get with the program.
I want to see you get out there and pump out a few bowls or we'll, we'll do something, you just wait.

Turning spheres, you rebel.

For those who are satire impaired, I was partially joking

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Mar 14th, 2020 at 4:51pm
Apparently you didn't get the memo that was sent out, now get with the program.
I want to see you get out there and pump out a few bowls or we'll, we'll do something, you just wait.

We'll  come out there and make you shake hands with us...without Purell!! :o

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Mar 14th, 2020 at 7:43pm
Now Ralph, that's a bit extreme for a first offense but i do like your enthusiasm.
There may be a place for you on the enforcement squad  :-/

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Mar 14th, 2020 at 8:15pm
:) :) smiley=023.gif smiley=023.gif

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Al Wasser on Mar 17th, 2020 at 1:58pm
You sell non essentials so with everyone staying home, you should not have many visitors to douse with Lysol.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Mar 17th, 2020 at 2:35pm
On the plus side, i might finally get to all of my own framing pieces that been in here for years.

I have a  6' long red snake skin that is in the process of being framed and might finally get finished this week.  My own project for the store.

People really do buy this stuff! [smiley=023.gif]

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Al Wasser on Mar 17th, 2020 at 5:59pm
Red snake?  We have a few red racers in S. Colorado.  Is that what you have.?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ralph Fahringer on Mar 17th, 2020 at 6:41pm
No, it has a Malaysa stamp on it and I have not been able to find anything like it on any google search. I have had it for close to 20 years rolled up and in a box of other weird things.

I have had 3 customers come in today and the last one spent almost $1,800 on framing...stuff. Nothing expensive, just stuff. [smiley=023.gif]

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Al Wasser on Mar 19th, 2020 at 6:13pm
Sounds like it is paying you to stay open. By bro is POed cuz even the golf courses In Colo. Springs is shut down. It is open here.  I went to my local liquor store yesterday to get some corona or stock market sedative.  The owner was grinning fro ear to ear, said business was fantastic

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Philip Connźxr rz on Feb 17th, 2021 at 3:43pm
I recently got my father’s General model 160 lathe.  The other night, the spindle cracked at the last thread and near about threw my chuck off.  Does anyone know where I can find a spindle for this old unit?  smiley=023.gif

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Robert Hayward on Feb 17th, 2021 at 5:20pm
  (You need to Login or Register is one possibility. However, it has to be bought with a couple extra parts.  ;)

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Feb 17th, 2021 at 5:50pm

Robert Hayward wrote on Feb 17th, 2021 at 5:20pm:
Here is one possibility. However, it has to be bought with a couple extra parts. 

I was going to suggest you might have to buy a used machine and cannibalize it for parts.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Mike smith on Aug 11th, 2021 at 12:35am

Jennifer Hasan wrote on Jul 23rd, 2018 at 10:30pm:
If you were sandpaper, what grit would you be and why?

I would be an odd grit like 100 or 150. I never really use those.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Jim Canning on Jul 24th, 2022 at 8:58pm
My shop is in my basement and my wife is concerned that my pile of rages will catch fire. So my question is what is the safest way to store rags in a shop? New and used ones.

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by David Moeller on Jul 25th, 2022 at 3:59am
Any oily, greasy, solvent soaked wipe should be out of your shop yesterday, if your house is still there. If you don't have a approved container take them out and burn them, hang on a fence till crusty or throw in a bucket of water. I don't even like to pile up damp wood chips (ask old hay farmers).

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Jul 25th, 2022 at 3:21pm
I use a metal can with a metal lid.
No oxygen means no ignition.
A pail with water in it also works well, also covered or a weight to submerge the rags.
Once the oil is cured (hardened) it's no longer a threat.

Title: Re: where can I get a large pc of wood?
Post by Jim Canning on Aug 25th, 2022 at 6:19pm
Not sure if this is the right place to put this but here goes.
My brother is very sick and called me and asked if I could make him a Urn. I can but i need someplace that I can buy a solid 10" long but 8" x *8 square. I would like to use a spalted type of wood. I can not glue up boards for this project. I could cut a tree down but I don't the time to wait for the drying of the wood. Any Ideas?

Title: Re: What's your question?
Post by Ed Weber on Aug 25th, 2022 at 7:00pm
Questions like yours can be put in Turning Talk

What you want to look for is called a vessel blank
Ebay often has some good prices for large blanks like this.

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