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>> Woodturning Videos >> Onggi

Message started by Ed Weber on Jun 19th, 2022 at 5:54pm

Title: Onggi
Post by Ed Weber on Jun 19th, 2022 at 5:54pm
This is a pottery video for those interested in turning things other than wood.
There are many similarities in that the craftsman makes his own tools and has his own method of work.

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Title: Re: Onggi
Post by Ron Sardo on Jun 20th, 2022 at 12:04pm
I look at a potter's wheel as a vertical lathe. If you understand form on a lathe it's translates easily to a wheel.

There are potter's tools that are similar to a bowl gouge, skew, square scraper and cabinet scraper. Even the wooden and metal potter's tools need to be sharpen in a similar fashion as woodturning tools using the same equipment.

Drying clay is just like drying a green turned bowl.

I'm not advocating getting into clay, I still prefer my lathe, but it might be something to consider if you are in a   (You need to Login or Register

Title: Re: Onggi
Post by Ed Weber on Jun 20th, 2022 at 1:35pm
Well that perfectly describes why I posted it.  smiley=023.gif

Inspiration can come from many sources, often the most unlikely

Title: Re: Onggi
Post by Bill Neff on Jun 20th, 2022 at 2:30pm
A potter & I discussed our mediums at a show.  Similar shapes, etc. except that before the pot comes off the wheel if it gets messed up, oh well, smush it all back together and start over.  Wood lathe, mess up, burn pile! :D

Title: Re: Onggi
Post by robo_hippy on Jun 20th, 2022 at 4:01pm
Now, I am craving kim chi!

robo hippy

Title: Re: Onggi
Post by David Moeller on Jun 20th, 2022 at 5:54pm
Many of my best conversations were exchanges w/people who were at the top of their 'passion'. I compared 'feel' of the bevel  change after honing with a world-class drummer and he can feel similar changes  in tip shape. He held me to similar tolerances when I made drumsticks for him. Working with a potter I had to learn to cooperate w/the clay and feel what it wanted. Clay is an additative medium, wood turning subtractive, but both use the turned form and involve our sense of shape. Always be curious!

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