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Call for safe wood turning videos (Read 25,628 times)
WR Addict

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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #15 - Feb 8th, 2010 at 8:23pm
I'd be OK with marking topic or videos as being unsafe with a full disclaimer why.

Actually, I don't think we should mark videos as unsafe or safe. It would seem that by doing so, it adds a liablity to the forum.
" But, Judge... I watched a video and the WR said it was a safe way to do it. Next thing you know I have a chisel sticking out of my cheek and a hunk of wood sticking out of my chest. I really wouldn't have done it if those guy who I consider pros hadn't told me it was safe to do that way"

On top of that as Bob stated you are going to have people of different comfort levels who will consider it dangerous to even own a lathe and others who will think it is artist expression to throw lawn darts at a spinning bowl to see what happens.

My opinion is that each video be taken on a stand alone basis and comments be made as to what members consider safe and or unsafe about each. It will help highlight both safe and unsafe practices that all can learn from.

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Robert Harper
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #16 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 9:34am
It would probably not server to just mark something as safe or not safe. What I think would make sense is a short blurb on what is generally accepted as being the correct procedure and leave it at that. To many, simply sticking a chunk of wood on a lathe where the wood is only pinned between centers and then spinning it to start shaving off wood is totally unsafe. I wonder if they ever get out of bed.

I know that there are those that go years doing things against prevailing thought without problems and then others that do it once and find out the hard way why people discourage working that way but there should be some middle ground where we can give some guidelines to follow.

We don't need safety Nazis patrolling, just some simple, generally accepted, concise guidelines and statements.
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Hilel Salomon
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #17 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 8:36am
Unfortunately, some of the best videos offered by some of the finest turners have a good many "do as I say, not as I do" elements. One of the world's most renowned turners is especially guilty of this.  Something that I see a lot of , is moving the tool rest while the lathe is still turning at high speed. Also, putting your hands on an object while it is still spinning is a precarious practice at best. I guess that my all time favorite was the turner who would remove the cap from his CA bottle with his mouth. Not only are the fumes dangerous, but sooner or later, I figure, the bottle or cap will be stuck to his lips.
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WR Addict

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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #18 - Sep 21st, 2011 at 4:59pm
Bob or Ron,
Why do I only see a white box when I post a new video?
Am I entering the wrong code?
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Ron Sardo
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #19 - Feb 9th, 2012 at 10:15am
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Bob Hamilton
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #20 - Apr 11th, 2013 at 1:03am
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Al Wasser
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #21 - Apr 10th, 2016 at 2:20pm
There is also those videos that I believe are safe but they demonstrate improper  tool techniques
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Ed Weber
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #22 - Apr 10th, 2016 at 2:34pm
Al Wasser wrote on Apr 10th, 2016 at 2:20pm:
There is also those videos that I believe are safe but they demonstrate improper  tool techniques

That's a tough call Al, obviously improper tool use can be unsafe but it's not always that simple.
Many people use the same tool in different ways, ways I would never consider because I wouldn't feel safe using them in that manner. I might consider it an improper technique, but for some is a "normal" or usual way to use a tool.

And just a friendly reminder to everyone,
Just because someone posts a video, does not mean they are any type of authority on a particular subject, it just means they can post a video.
Please, do some research, watch several videos on the same subject and if you don't feel safe or have a question about anything, please ask a question beforehand.
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Steve Krumanaker
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #23 - Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:53am
I think the idea is a little pompous. What is safe for an experienced turner could easily be considered unsafe for a newbie. Jimmy Clewes is a good example. Everyone knows he spins his pieces faster than many experienced turners. His techniques could easily be considered unsafe. How many experienced turners do so without respiratory protection? How many use power sanders without ear protection? Both of those practices will bodily harm, period.  If you're going to eliminate every video that a person could find an unsafe practice in you may as well delete the videos forum. At the very least it's a slippery slope.

Steve Krumanaker
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Ron Sardo
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #24 - Apr 11th, 2016 at 1:48pm
FWIW, this thread is 6 years old and we haven't deleted a video unless it was a commercial to sell products without the manufacturer/company becoming a business sponsor first.

The main hope of this thread was, and still is, to open dialogue as to what may or may not be safe.

What I find curious is that you are calling us out for the same thing you are doing on your videos. The trailer to your videos reads
This is not an instructional video
Wood working is by it's nature a
dangerous hobby. Please follow
safe practices. Read and follow
manufacturers guidlines and
instructions. You, and you alone
are responsible for your safety
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Dan Whelchel
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #25 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 3:26pm
Safety First, everything else second !
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Don Stephan
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Re: Call for safe wood turning videos
Reply #26 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 7:38pm
When I first joined many, many years ago, I spent untold hours watching all the videos on this web site.  Highly educational, and I can't recall ever seeing one that looked unsafe (and I was a relatively new turner).
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