From another curmudgeon - - -
I make my own finishes using pure Tung oil, various solvents, and commercial lacquers and varnishes. I also keep a can of commercial WOP in the shop, but I don't use it very often - I prefer a finish that is less plasticky. I like Howard's FeedN'Wax, and occasionally use it when I need something really fast, but I normally reserve it for polishing finished pieces. My usual selection includes:
- Lacquer-based friction polish (1:1:1 brushing lacquer, tung oil, lacquer thinner) - pens and other small items.
- Wipe-on lacquer (1:1 brushing lacquer, lacquer thinner) - stoppers and other items where I want to avoid the amber color of associated with oil-based finishes
- Pure-oil finish (1:1 tung oil and limonene) - scoops, spoons, etc
- Shop-made tung oil varnish ((1:1:1 pure tung oil, alkyd varnish, turpentine) - when I choose to not use one of the above, ie, most of the time
- I have made a version of the shop-made varnish using a commercial polyurethane/Tung oil varnish on items that may get heavy use/abuse (ie, walking sticks and canes)
I also keep shellac, but reserve it for use as a sanding sealer before using an oil finish rather than as a final finish itself.
When using oil finishes, I wipe it on, let it sit for 30-45 minutes, wipe off any excess, wait 2-3 hours, buff with a gray Scotchbrite pad, and repeat. Typically three applications, but sometimes more. I may also either use a polishing wax or buff to leave a smooth surface, but not so much to create a glossy finish.
I make up small quantities of finishes that I store in recycled glass jars (that formerly contained spices from the supermarket). A small jar remains usable until depleted, and my wife provides a steady supply of replacements when they get too gummy. Commercial brushing lacquer seems to last in the can, but commercial varnish eventually self-cures. I recently tried to use a 'stop-loss bag' to store bulk commercial varnishes, but found that the process of decanting the varnish from the can to the bag was very fiddly; I accidentally dropped an open full quart can of rather expensive Tung-oil varnish so I'm looking for a better solution.